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Fan-created Resident Evil 2 remake is impressive

A fan-made Resident Evil 2 walkthrough video has surfaced online, and we want Capcom to pay attention...

With the original Resident Evil recently getting a remaster of a remaster, and other entries in the series, such as Resident Evil 4, being re-released and updated for new formats, it's amazing that Resident Evil 2, one of the best outings, has yet to be touched. Despite being re-released on other platforms, Resi 2 has never been remastered, and has simply been ported in its original, PS1-era form. So, Resident Evil fan, Rod Lima, has taken matters into his own hands.

Using the Unreal Engine 3, Lima has re-created Resident Evil 2 with modern visuals and effects, all whilst retaining the original gameplay and feel (he even included original audio and cut scenes). The end result, which you can see below, is very impressive.

The project isn't intended for public consumption, sadly, but was simply an exercise Lima used in order to become more familiar with the Unreal tech. Needless to say, if this is the result of him leaning how to use the tech, we'd love to see what he can do with more experience.

Capcom is yet to release an official remaster of the fan-favourite entry in the RE series, and whether one will ever arrive is unclear. I'd happily play the end result of Rod Lima's labour however, so maybe Capcom should get in touch. Have a look for yourself.

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