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Mad Men: Season 7 Part 2 Has a Trailer

The final return of AMC's Mad Men Season 7 is almost upon us, and the network is only too happy to let us know it with a teaser...

The end-game of AMC’s much-loved Mad Men is in sight - the final seven-episode run (concluding season seven) will premiere on April 5, 2015, and in case you didn't realize it yet, AMC has released a trailer to remind you.

In the below trailer you can see that life has definitely changed for the ad guys at the Sterling Cooper Agency with the 1970s just about to beign, and Don Draper with nothing left to do but grow his hair out.

While celebrating the final season earlier this year, Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner said, “What an incredible journey this has been. I take great pride in what the entire Mad Men team was able to create episode after episode, season after season. We sincerely thank the fans for joining us on this ride and hope it has meant as much to them as it has to us.”

AMC’s president, Charlie Collier, added that: “Mad Men is the show that put AMC on the map. Period. It is impossible to overstate the impact it has had on AMC, and I would argue, this era of television."

He added that “we are honored to forever be the birthplace and home of this iconic series and we can’t wait to share its artful conclusion with the fans. From the first shot, Matthew, his cast and crew handcrafted something truly distinctive for the screen, the very definition of premium television on basic cable."

“We will miss the remarkable people, the consistently exquisite program, and of course, the free scotch and cigarettes in our vending machines,” he concluded.

We’d wager they won't be alone in missing Mad Men once it’s gone. Here’s to hoping for a finale which does the superb show justice.

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