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Tekken 7: Jack-7 Has Been Activated in This Trailer

The Iron Giant of Iron Fist will appear in Tekken 7 in just a few days. Here's his new trailer showing off his new moves and look.

The Tekken 7 roster is about to get some added firepower with the inclusion of Jack-7. The massive robot is a time-released fighter who will be available in Japanese arcades on Tuesday, May 19th. Despite the constant name-changes, Jack has been in every Tekken incarnation outside of Tekken 4, so his inclusion shouldn’t come as any real surprise.

Here’s the trailer that shows him off, including his neat, Tron-like lighting cracks and new, pink mohawk.

The footage shows off the Jack style we all know and love. The android’s attacks are pretty classic and unique to him, so it makes no sense to change him up too much. That new wall throw and Rage Art are pretty rocking, though. Personally, I never get tired of watching that guy punch people with his jerky, steel beam arms.

As mentioned, Jack appeared in the first Tekken. He was originally a Russian creation intent on taking out Kazuya Mishima. The main Jack has been destroyed and upgraded various times throughout the series and has grown to discover emotions, appreciate humanity, and become a protector of sorts for a girl named Jane, who grew up in-between Tekken 2 and 3. Other organizations, namely the G Corporation, have used Jack’s technology to build an army of copies, though they lack his heroic personality. Tekken 6’s Jack-6 was a new, more powerful drone created by the G Corporation while the main Jack remained on the sidelines.

Will the new Jack-7 be another corporate robot soldier or yet another upgrade for Jane’s cybernetic bodyguard with the heart of gold? I suppose we’ll find out soon enough. As sure as we’ll find out who else will be popping up in Tekken 7. I’m holding out for Craig Marduk myself. Love that guy.

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